Course curriculum

  • 2
    Drug & Substance Use
    • Why People Use Drugs
    • A Brief History of Human Drug Use
    • Self-Reflection Questions: Why People Use Drugs
    • Substance Abuse Basics
    • Video - Brain & Limbic System
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    Drug & Substance Abuse
    • Drug Abuse
    • Tolerance
    • Dependence
    • Withdrawal Syndrome
    • Addiction
    • Video - Anyone Can Become Addicted to Drugs (NIDA)
    • Why do some people become addicted to drugs while others don't?
    • Self-Reflection Questions: Drug Abuse
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    Drug Classifications and Specific Drug Details
    • Drug Classifications
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    Stimulants - "Uppers"
    • Stimulants - "Uppers"
    • Video - Stimulants
    • Stimulants - Facts
    • Quiz: Stimulants / Uppers
    • Self-Reflection Questions - Stimulants / Uppers
    • Amphetamines
    • Cocaine
    • Khat
    • Methamphetamine
    • Quiz - Uppers
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    Depressants - "Downers"
    • Depressants - "Downers"
    • Depressants - Facts
    • Sedative-Hypnotics
    • Skeletal Muscle Relaxants
    • Antihistamines
    • Alcohol
    • Barbiturates
    • Benzodiazepines
    • GHB
    • Rohypnol
    • Opioids/opiates
    • Opiod: Fentanyl
    • Opiod: Heroin
    • Opiod: Hydromorphone
    • Methadone
    • Morphine
    • Opium
    • Oxycodone
    • Quiz - Downers
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    "All-Arounders" - Hallucinogens
    • "All-Arounders" - Hallucinogens & Dissociative Drugs
    • Hallucinogens - Facts
    • Ecstasy/MDMA
    • LSD
    • K2/Spice
    • Marijuana/Cannabis
    • Peyote & Mescaline
    • Psilocybin
    • How Do Hallucinogens (LSD, Psilocybin, Peyote, DMT, and Ayahuasca) Affect the Brain and Body?
    • What Are the Long-Term Effects of Hallucinogens?
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    "All-Arounders" - Dissociative Drugs
    • How Do Dissociative Drugs Work?
    • Ketamine
    • Kratom
    • What Are the Short-Term Effects of Dissociative Drugs?
    • What Are the Long-Term Effects of Dissociative Drugs?
    • ii. Self-Reflection Questions - All-arounders
    • Quiz - All Arounders
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    Other Drugs
    • Marijuana Concentrates
    • Steroids
    • Inhalants
  • 10
    Stages of Substance Use and Abuse
    • Stages of Substance Use and Abuse
    • The Stages of Addiction
    • Stage 1: Initiation
    • Stage 2: Experimentation
    • Stage 3: Regular Use
    • Stage 4: Problem/Risky Use
    • Stage 5: Dependence
    • Stage 6: A Substance Use Disorder
    • Stage 7: Treatment
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    • Drug Addiction & Treatment Basics
    • Can drug addiction be treated?
    • Principles of Effective Treatment
    • What are treatments for drug addiction?
    • How are medications and devices used in drug addiction treatment?
    • Components of Comprehensive Drug Addiction Treatment
    • Is treatment different for criminal justice populations?
    • Challenges of Re-entry
    • How many people get treatment for drug addiction?
    • Treatment: Points to Remember
    • When to Seek Treatment?
    • Self-Reflection Questions - TREATMENT
    • Finding a Treatment Center
  • 12
    Final Exam
    • Ready for the Final Exam
    • Final Exam