Course curriculum

  • 2
    Course Specific Instruction
    • Browser
    • Narration
    • Course Specifics Quiz
  • 3
    The Self Control Problem
    • The Self Control Problem
  • 4
    Impulsivity & Impulse Control
    • Impulsivity
    • Definitions
    • Self-Reflection Questions - Impulsivity
    • Quiz: Impulsivity
  • 5
    • Self-Control
    • Benefits of Self-Control
    • Quiz: Self-Control
  • 6
    Delayed Gratification
    • Delayed Gratification
    • Examples of Delayed Gratification
    • Delayed Gratification Research
    • Delayed Gratification Experiments
    • Quiz: Delayed Gratification
  • 7
    • Self-Regulation
    • Necessary Elements
    • Element 1
    • Element 2
    • Element 3
    • Lack of Self-Regulation
    • Quiz: Self-Regulation
  • 8
    • Conscientiousness
    • Elements
    • Benefits of Conscientiousness
    • Quiz: Conscientiousness
  • 9
    Impulse Control & Anger Management
    • Anger Management Concepts & Definitions
    • Self-Reflection Question: Aggression vs Anger
    • When Anger Becomes a Problem
    • Self-Reflection Question: Anger & Physical Effects
    • Quiz: The Problem of Anger Definitions / When Anger Becomes A Problem
    • Apparent Payoffs and Consequences
    • Self-Reflection Questions: Anger Payoffs & Consequences
    • Myths About Anger: Myth # 1
    • Myths About Anger: Myth # 2
    • Myths About Anger: Myth # 3
    • Myths About Anger: Myth # 4
    • Self-Reflection Questions: Myths About Anger
    • Quiz: Payoffs & Consequences / Myths About Anger
    • Anger as a Habitual Response
    • Self-Reflection Questions: Anger as a Habitual Response
    • Becoming Aware of Anger
    • Strategies for Controlling Anger
    • Self-Reflection Questions: Breaking the Anger Habit
    • Monitoring Anger – The “Anger Meter”
    • Using The Anger Meter
    • Self-Reflection Questions: Monitoring Anger
    • Self-Practice Exercise
  • 10
    Events That Trigger Anger & Cues To Anger
    • Events That Trigger Anger
    • Self-Reflection Questions: Events That Trigger Anger
    • Cues to Anger
    • Physical Cues
    • Behavioral Cues
    • Emotional Cues
    • Cognitive Cues
    • Self-Reflection Questions: Cues to Anger
    • Self-Practice Exercise
  • 11
    Impulse Control Disorders
    • Impulse Control Disorders Generally
    • Living With An Impulse Control Disorder
    • Contributing Factors
  • 12
    Substance Abuse & Impulse Control
    • Impulse Control and Addiction
    • Science & Addiction
    • Consequences of Addiction
    • Consequences for All Ages
    • History of Human Drug Use
    • Why Do People Take Drugs
    • Problematic Drug Use
    • Choice or Impaired Self-Control?
  • 13
    • Drug Addiction
    • Drug Use and Abuse
    • Why Some People Become Addicted
    • Risk Factors and Protective Factors
    • Risk Factors
    • Protective Factors
    • Biological Factors
    • Environmental Factors
    • Other Factors
  • 14
    Substance Abuse & The Brain
    • The Human Brain
    • Brain Functions
    • How Drugs Function in the Brain
    • How Drugs Affect The Brain
    • How Dopamine Reinforces Use
    • Powerful Reinforcement
    • Neurotransmitter: Dopamine
    • Systems Affected by Drug Use
    • Brain Function Impairment
  • 15
    Addiction & Health
    • Other Health Consequences
    • Drug Use and Mental Disorders
    • Harm to Others
  • 16
    Treatment & Recovery
    • Successful Treatment
    • Can Addiction be Cured?
    • Relapse Prevention
    • Principles of Effective Treatment
    • Forms of Treatment
    • Medications & Devices
    • Behavioral Therapy
    • Outpatient Treatment
    • Inpatient Treatment
    • Optimal Treatment
    • Treatment for Criminal Justice Populations
    • Challenges of Re-entry
    • How Many Addicts Get Treatment?
    • Treatment Points
    • When to Seek Treatment
    • Checklilst: When to Seek Treatment
    • Treatment Checklist Review
  • 17
    Stress Management
    • Understanding the Stress Cycle
    • Extreme Stress Reactions
    • Stress Management Techniques
    • Mindfulness
    • Practicing Mindfulness
    • Guided Mindfulness Exercise
    • Self-Reflection: Mindfulness Exercises
  • 18
    Final Exam
    • Ready for the Final Exam
    • Final Exam