1 Introduction Welcome FREE PREVIEW Format of Course FREE PREVIEW Time to Finish Material FREE PREVIEW Progress FREE PREVIEW 2 Section 1A: Impulse Control Overview Schedule Navigation Narration The Self Control Problem 3 Section 1B: Impulse Control & Anger Management The Problem of Anger: Definitions Self-Reflection Question: Aggression vs Anger When Does Anger Become a Problem? Self-Reflection Question: Anger & Physical Effects Quiz: The Problem of Anger Definitions / When Anger Becomes A Problem Payoffs and Consequences Self-Reflection Questions: Anger Payoffs & Consequences Myths About Anger Self-Reflection Questions: Myths About Anger Quiz: Payoffs & Consequences / Myths About Anger Anger as a Habitual Response Self-Reflection Questions: Anger as a Habitual Response Breaking the Anger Habit Self-Reflection Questions: Breaking the Anger Habit Monitoring Anger – The “Anger Meter” Self-Reflection Questions: Monitoring Anger Homework Exercise 4 Progress - Section 1 Progress 1 5 Section 2: Events and Cues Check-in Questions: Monitoring Anger - Week 2 Events That Trigger Anger Self-Reflection Questions: Events That Trigger Anger Cues to Anger Physical Cues Behavioral Cues Emotional Cues Cognitive Cues Self-Reflection Questions: Cues to Anger Homework Exercise 6 Progress - Section 2 Progress 2 7 Section 3: Making a Plan Check-in Questions: Monitoring Anger - Week 3 Plans Plan Ideas Effective Strategies Long-term Objective Strategy: Relaxation Through Breathing Video: Deep Breathing Exercise Strategy: Timeout Formal Use of Timeouts Effective Implementation of Timeouts Self-Reflection Questions: Anger Control Plans Sample Anger Control Plan Homework Exercise 8 Progress - Section 3 Progress 3 9 Section 4: The Aggression Cycle Check-in Questions: Monitoring Anger - Week 4 The Aggression Cycle Escalation Phase Explosion Phase Postexplosion Phase The Aggression Cycle and the Anger Meter Quiz: The Aggression Cycle Graphic: The Aggression Cycle The Aggression Cycle: Varying Levels Relaxation Through Progressive Muscle Relaxation Self-Reflection Questions: Progressive Muscle Relaxation Homework Exercise 10 Progress - Section 4 Progress 4 11 Section 5: Cognitive Restructuring Check-in Questions: Monitoring Anger - Week 5 The A-B-C-D Model Self-Talk & Irrational Beliefs Identifying Irrational Beliefs Disputing Irrational Beliefs Self-Reflection Questions: The A-B-C-D Model Thought Stopping Self-Reflection Questions: Thought Stopping Homework Exercise 12 Progress - Section 5 Progress 5 13 Section 6: Reinforcing Learned Concepts Check-in Questions: Monitoring Anger - Week 6 Anger Management Concepts Definitions When Anger Becomes A Problem Payoffs Versus Consequences The Anger Meter In Action Red Flags & Anger Cues Anger Control Plan Development Self-Reflection Questions: Anger Control Plan Development Immediate & Preventive Strategies Reviewing The Aggression Cycle The A-B-C-D Model Thought Stopping Homework Exercise 14 Progress - Section 6 Progress 6 15 Section 7: Assertiveness Without Aggression Check-in Questions: Monitoring Anger - Week 7 Assertiveness Interpersonal Conflicts The Aggression Message Responding Passively Acting Assertively Changeable Responses Self-Reflection Questions: Aggression, Passivity & Assertiveness Real-Life Situations Self-Reflection Questions: Personal Interactions Homework Exercise 16 Progress - Section 7 Progress 7 17 Section 8: Conflict Resolution Model Check-in Questions: Monitoring Anger - Week 8 Assertiveness Tool Conflict Resolution Model Conflict Resolution Model: Real-Life Situations Conflict Resolution Model: Example Interaction Self-Reflection Questions: Conflict Resolution Model Managing Interpersonal Conflicts Assertiveness & The Conflict Resolution Model Homework Exercise 18 Progress - Section 8 Progress 8 19 Section 9: Impulse Control & Substance Abuse Substance Abuse & Impulse Control Why People Use Drugs History of Human Drug Use Drug Abuse Substance Abuse The Brain & The Limbic System Quiz: Substance Abuse Tolerance Dependence Withdrawal Syndrome Addiction Anyone Can Become Addicted to Drugs Why do some people become addicted to drugs while others don't? 20 Progress - Section 9 Progress 9 21 Section 10: Stages of Addiction Stages of Substance Use and Abuse The Stages of Addiction Stage 1: Initiation Stage 2: Experimentation Stage 3: Regular Use Problem/Risky Use Stage 5: Dependence Stage 6: A Substance Use Disorder Treatment 22 Progress - Section 10 Progress 10 23 Section 11: Treatment for Addiction Addiction & Treatment Can drug addiction be treated? Principles of Effective Treatment What are treatments for drug addiction? Components of Comprehensive Drug Addiction Treatment Treatment For Criminal Justice Populations Challenges of Re-entry How many people get treatment for drug addiction? Treatment: Points to Remember When to Seek Treatment? Self-Reflection Questions: Treatment Finding a Treatment Center 24 Progress - Section 11 Progress 11 25 Section 12: Stress Management & Anger and the Family Anger and the Family: Influence on Present Behavior Understanding the Stress Cycle Self-Monitor for Signs of Stress Stress Management Techniques Mindfulness: "Staying in the Present" Ways To Practice Mindfulness Video: Guided Mindfulness Exercise 25-minutes Self-Reflection: Mindfulness Exercises 26 Progress - Section 12 Progress 12 27 Section 13: Final Exam Review for Final Exam Ready for the Final Exam Final Exam